She's A Fighter...
Written by: Bill Sparks Posted on: June 17, 2014 Tagged: Kim Alexandar, bone marrow, Cancer, kim, waiting, transplant Blog: Warriors
Many of you in the Grant County Indiana area know Kim Alexander.
Kim was recently diagnosed with leukemia.
Here is her story from her CaringBridge Page…
Marion General Hospital was quick and responsive to her as she arrived in the ER on the
the evening of February 24th. By Wednesday, the 26th, tests had been sent to Mayo
Clinic… the Critical Care team moved quickly to ensure she was transferred to Community North Hospital in Indianapolis to begin the healing process… While at Community North, she
is in the able care of Dr. Bhatia and his AMAZING physician's assistant, Natasha.
Thank you to the team (including Eileen, Sue and Leeann and the PICC Line team!) that has
been making Kim feel welcome... We are... GEARED UP for the impending battle…
As of the date of this calendar printing, Kim is undergone stem cell transplant.
This is the most recent information concerning her progress (starting with Sunday's new from her CaringBridge Site...
Kim's had a tough weekend. Graft vs. Host. We knew it was possible and maybe a little inevitable. Please pray for her strength to return. Pray for comfort and healing. She's still resting at home. Praise God - she's had no fever.
Tomorrow (Monday) is a big, big day. Bone marrow draw. Its show time. We are praying EXPECTANTLY for pure, clean, cancer-free, strong, healthy, vibrant cells to be living and flowing through her! Please pray for all to go well with the draw!!
I've been given a totally different perspective on this process in the past couple of weeks. It is one thing to be in a physical battle -- gearing up for treatments, surgery, transplants, appointments, meds, etc... The mental battle is something entirely different. Friends, the daily requirement -- wait, sometimes the moment by moment requirement --to lay this type of thing down in faith -- takes faith. For me, the mental battle is tough. To not fret or worry. To stay focused.. To press on.
I'm sure its different for each and every person. I am forever changed by this entire process! Beyond scars. It goes so much deeper.
Here is latest post...
...and more than 99% of her cells are the fresh cells! They cant find her crummy cells!
Praise the Lord
Please pray for Kim and those who are battling this life altering disease we call cancer...
Thanks for your support!