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A love designed for you.

Written by: Bill Sparks Posted on: March 21, 2019 Blog: Thoughts along the way

In a world where we are always seeking love, whether through accomplishments, looks or relationships, where can we find a love that doesn't leave our hearts empty.

What if you could find a "one stop shop" to obtain an identity that will complete you and never fade? ...A love that is deeper than your heart can understand?

Here's that place...

"As boldly as the center beam of the cross proclaims God's holiness, the crossbeam declares his love

And, oh, how wide his love reaches.

"For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son..." **

Aren't you glad the verse does not read:96084b556441a1b8fe6eb0cabeb82a6c.jpg

..."For God so loved the rich..."?

Or, "For God so loved the famous..."?

Or, "For God so loved the thin..."?

Or, "For God so loved the capable..."?

It doesn't.

Nor does it state, "For God so loved the European or the African....", "the sober or successful..", "the young or the old..."


...when we read John's words in the third chapter** of his account of Jesus' life, we simply (and happily) read, "For God so loved the world."

How wide is God's love?

Wide enough for the whole world." ++


**John 3:16

++ From Max Lucado's book, "He Chose The Nails"

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