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Don't worry...

Written by: Bill Sparks Posted on: March 16, 2020 Blog: Thoughts along the way

When Paul writes these words, "Do not be anxious...", each of us think something different.

Because we are individuals who are alike in many things does not mean we are alike in everything.

For some of us, anxiety is a companion we're all too familiar with. Reading this verse can be as foreign to us as stepping on the moon.

Those of us who struggle with stress and anxiety are not "full of fret" because we "enjoy' it.

When a fellow Jesus follower starts quoting this verse to us, it doesn't "stop anxiety in its tracks."

We can't explain why, but it seems like the person who is all calm and confident in the greatness of God, just turned up the dial in our battle.

We wished it was different.

We wish you had "faith."

We're sure that God "can", but experience makes us wonder, "will He?"

And all we wish for is one moment of peace.


Some of us read Paul's words and they bring comfort. Many times it's not even galatians6-10.jpgneeded, we're not normally freaked out by the pressures of life. We are thankful that when "jittery" does visit, our episode is not long lasting.

Our journey has had its bumps, but "God has been good." The normal for us is calm, with an occasional "aaahhhhhh."

The feelings of being overwhelmed are not unknown to us, they are just a smaller part of our daily existence.

There are times when we wish we could help our fellow believers grasp this prescription for peace.

Our compassion for our brothers and sisters who are tangled up in their soul and mind is present in our interactions with them.


Some of us, for reasons unknown, are a little more "confident." We are not intending to be so brash.

But we are certain if you would just "suck it up" and show faith, your emotional well being would take care of itself.

We don't mean to lack compassion.il_fullxfull.368383401_dxxb.jpg

We're sure it's all a "prayer", "devotional reading" or "scripture verse away from "strength in Jesus."

Please forgive is for not being aware of our prickly words and actions.

Truth be known, sometimes our "confidence" is an overreaction to our own battles. We can't admit it lest we appear weak. And we can't be that.

And then sometimes, for reasons unknown, we will never feel weak, we are unaware of any reason to not be full of confidence.

Again, truth be known, we often look at you and wonder will you ever "get it."


And what's interesting is that, all of us who have trusted Jesus are... "One Lord", "One Faith", and "One Baptism"...unity.jpg

We all serve..."One God and Father of all..." ...who is above all, and through all, and in you all.

But most intriguing is that we are actually "One Body."


During this current time of concern and crisis, let's each of us, from the "oh my" believers, to the "I hope so, I believe so" followers of Christ, to the "Jesus has this!" faith filled saints...

Let us do one thing well...

Let us love each other.

Love is... patient, kind... etc...

Go look up the rest, you'll be glad you did...

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