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Well... Well... Well...

Written by: Bill Sparks Posted on: July 6, 2015 Blog: GrowLead

I am not sure what you've been doing these past weeks, I know my life has been crazy. Isn't it interesting that we do this to ourselves and complain about it after.

A week ago I was supposed to resume the blog posts for the next chapter in the Grace for God reading schedule and send you a post. Well, after a week of having three grandchildren in custody without their momma and daddy, I came into the office tired and worn.

What awaited me was a work list for the golf scramble, lunch with a departing intern, a scramble meeting I needed to compile a 12 page list for and what seemed like a myriad of attention grabbers... Result? No blog post...

But today I try to redeem myself, and by grace, I will do so...

Read below as we ponder on the thoughts of Chapter 11...

I can't identify with the woman at the well completely because I am not a female. We all handle shame and struggle differently. But I can identify with realizing that I am unable to do anything to "fix" me in the long run. My past, with all of it's components, is still there, unless... IT HOLDS NO POWER OVER ME!

That is why I say there have been chapters in this book that have spoke to my heart about my need for grace, this chapter does something for me that the others were only primers for...

It tells me I am not going it alone!

What a wonderful picture Andy paints, that our past is past, but it's only that way when we allow grace to cleanse it's hurts and heal it's wounds.

Some do this better than others, I consider myself a member of the half and half club. I keep some hurts and let go of others. I tend to want healing without treatment sometimes...

The great thing about God is that he "must needs" (old King James Phrase, see John 4:4) go there...

God isn't satisfied with allowing me, you or anyone purchased by the the blood of his Son to let the baggage of our past keep us from the glory of His future!

That is so encouraging...

So, today, let's agree together to share the encouragement Andy gave us at the end of the chapter, "Heavenly Father, I cannot, but you can."

Say it with me... Heavenly Father, I cannot ____________, but you can."

It's hard to believe it, but for some reason we all know it's true, when we are weak, he makes us HIS strongest...

Till next week, enjoy, enjoy, enjoy.... "Heavenly Father, I cannot, but you can."


Melissa Armstrong said:

on July 8, 2015 at 10:59am

"In spite of grace"....Jesus and the woman at the well. He gave that "in spite of grace' to the woman at the well. She was able to thirst no more due to this grace that will be sufficient for her. We all need to learn the practice of this grace. I will try to make it a practice of stating this pray of "Heavenly Father, I cannot, but you can" daily, but if not daily especially when I feel I cannot handle things.

Sheila Stewart said:

on July 10, 2015 at 12:05pm

This chapter has helped me deal with my lifelong struggle with feeling God's complete forgiveness. Since I sometimes have trouble forgiving and forgetting I can't seem to grasp how God can forgive so completely and give me a clean slate. I find myself "re-confessing" previous sins that seem so bad to me that I feel the need to ask for forgiveness again, even though I've asked before, have not repeated them and believe that God has forgiven me. Why do I feel the need to remind Him when he already knows everything about me?? Andy explains it as thirst for forgiveness and the ability to face our past and cope with the present. "Heavenly Father, I cannot, but you can." This is now a daily reminder that God will sustain me in spite of what I've done in the past so that I can relax and move on to more positive outcomes.

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