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The Finish Line

Written by: Bill Sparks Posted on: January 11, 2017 Blog: GrowLead

I hope and pray that you've been touched by your time with Max. I know that each time I read this book I find myself seeing something I missed in previous visits.

I have no great words (not that I did before this one) for this "chapter" that really isn't. What I do have is these words from Max himself...

"Once and for all, let's give our luggage to him. Let's take him at his word! "Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest." (Matthew 11:28)

Rest from the burden of a small god. Why? Because I have found the Lord.

Rest from doing things my way. Why? Because I the Lord is my Shepherd.

Rest from endless wants. Why? Because I shall not want.

Rest from weariness. Why? Because he makes me lie down.

Rest from worry. Why? because he leads me.

Rest from hopelessness. Why? Because he restores my soul.

Rest from guilt. Why? Because he leads me in the paths of righteousness.

Rest from arrogance. Why? Because of his name's sake.

Rest from the valley of death. Why? Because he walks me through it.

Rest from the shadow of grief. Why? Because he guides me.

Rest from fear. Why? Because his presence comforts me.

Rest from loneliness. Why? Because he is with me.

Rest from shame. Why? Because he prepared a place for me in the presence of my enemies.

Rest from my disappointments. Why? Because he anoints me.

Rest from envy. Why? Because my cup overflows.

Rest from doubt. Why? Because he follows me.

Rest from homesickness. Why? Because I will dwell in the house of my Lord forever."

You may be saying,"Bill, that all sounds good, but how do you do it? Again, I turn to Max's words...

"And tomorrow, when out of habit you pick your luggage back up, set it down again. Set it down again and again until that sweet day when you find you aren't picking it back up."

So, in the words of the one who wrote to encourage us with God's voice and his musings, "Travel Light."

God's best to you!

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