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Making Vision Stick ~ Simple... Convincing...

Written by: Bill Sparks Posted on: January 25, 2017 Blog: GrowLead

0930love01.jpgHave you ever observed a problem and decided you would do something about it?

I have.

I have also realized to truly address and resolve a problem requires passion.. Without that yearning to see the challenge completed, the ultimate goal of completion can be missed. There is an old adage which describes what a burden looks like when we just identify it without action, "With all that has been said and done, it seems more often that there has been more said than done."

The opposite of this axiom is accomplished when you spend time defining how a problem can be addressed and setting into motion a plan of action. To get some "traction" to resolve the problem.

I hope this weeks reading has given you some ideas on how traction for a mission / vision is secured when we communicate in a way that connects with people and makes a case for why we others should get involved.

Take 12 minutes to review to this week's topic with my video discussion of "Simple... Convincing..."


Jason Stepp said:

on January 31, 2017 at 3:14pm

This touched my heart. Having gone through the book already but not connected a few of the dots, I feel as though reaching people at the point of diagnosis is just absolutely paramount. The ONLY way we're going to be able to do this and truly share the journey with them is if we a) know the individual already, or b) connect so deeply on our first couple of touches that when they think of looking for help, we're the FIRST thing that comes to mind... not because we're a resource: but because we're their friend.

Jeffrey Fuller said:

on January 31, 2017 at 7:19pm

The 3 steps to making vision clear, stick, and be easily repeatable seems like an easy concept but I have made concept that I have tried to develop way to wordy and difficult to relay (as you can tell by my last post). I really feel that Gilead's vision is well stated, clear, and easily repeatable. The K.I.S.S. acronym comes to mind as I think about this. I need to remember to initially keep it simple and then elaborate as those we may service ask questions and allow us to expound on the many facets of Gilead.

Geanine Niverson said:

on February 8, 2017 at 3:50pm

I love the video blog!!! Yes make it simple, make it clear, and repeat it over and over. Being an ambassador of whatever vision you are working on helps show you have "skin-in-the-game" . Shows you care about your beliefs and actions. Constantly share the journey, send cards, make calls, show compassion..... this is all a great way to keep and make our vision stick

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