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Repeat the Vision Regularly...

Written by: Bill Sparks Posted on: December 28, 2015 Blog: GrowLead

It's Monday morning.... again...

But for those of us who understand that there is no Friday without a Monday, welcome to the race for prize! The days in between now and our last goodbye to the workweek are underway, let's finish on Friday with the least amount of regret.

This week is one of the pivotal parts of our time together in January.

We can spend all our time getting our "ducks in a row" and if we lose this part of the process, we will struggle to make our vision known. I am not trying to scare you, but this is where your role as a board member really brings the most bang for the buck.

YOU have the greatest opportunity in the world. Your words can change the lives of cancer, long term illness patients and their families eternally.

The efforts of the staff and volunteers who are mobilizing the ministry are held in your hands (words). YOU are my best PR tool. People pass by you like they do billboards, they see you and take in some of what you say and do, but when they pass by you daily, they pick up on what you really believe in.


If you want to impact people with the grace of God, you can do so by talking about Gilead. We are about "Sharing the Journey". Bringing the grace they need to feel the love of Christ in the midst of the bumpy ride they are on.

You are the well that provides the cool water of God's presence.

If people get a life altering thirst quenched during the gut wrenching days of treatment and/or grief, I believe we are the place that serves that cool drink. We are the holders of the "well that spring up in our hearts" as a follower of Jesus.

As we embrace this role, we will repeat the message. We want to "Share YOUR Journey."

I believe that consistent application through cards, calls and project work is so powerful, I have bet my entire career on it! I have done nothing different for the past 13 years! (for 4 years I worked 2-3 jobs until I was able to do Gilead full time) may have done what I do differently, but the message and ministry has always been the same.

Today, even before we meet together in January, commit to reminding those in need that we are the ones who want to....

B - Build a relationship with all who are facing cancer, long term illness and grief.

B - Bear the burdens in their life, which time has told us, is the need to be loved, especially when the chips of mortality are down.

B - Bring a message of hope. We really do have the best thing for their heart, a loving savior who promises to "never leave or forsake" them. As humans we can't say this, but as one who knows the depths of the human heart, Christ can. We hold the message in our hearts and hands.

When we do these things we are "Sharing The Journey."

Thanks for joining me, Teresa, the volunteers, the patients and their families on this amazing expedition!

~Take Responsibility

~Cast the Vision Simply

~Repeat the Vision Regularly

Last week was the meat, this week the steak sauce, can't wait to see the rest of the meal. How about you?

Till next week....

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