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JUMP IN! Both feet is just fine....

Written by: Bill Sparks Posted on: February 23, 2016 Blog: GrowLead

As we wade into this book together, I want to invite you to join me on a journey, new to some of you, a little more familiar to others. The invitation is to allow the words on the page to challenge you to think outside your box. Again, there may be those of you who have always had a handle on grace, maybe not in perfection, but for sure it's impact has molded you in your walk with Christ.

Regardless of your level of understanding of grace, your acceptance of this invitation will make your heart encouraged, challenged, stretched and by the end of our journey, more like the Christ that we follow.

Grace-736162.jpgHere are some thoughts to ponder in these initial pages:

~What to you think of Andy's assertion, "The church is most appealing when the message of grace is most apparent"?

~If you were to have the opportunity to speak to a person whose world view is molded by the words of Dr. Dawkins (below) what would you say?

"The God of the OT arguably the most unpleasant character in all fiction: jealous and proud of it; a petty, unjust, unforgiving, control freak; a vindictive, bloodthirsty ethnic cleanser; a misogynistic, homophobic, racist, infanticidal, genocidal, filicidial, pestilential, megalomaniacal, sadomasochistic, capriciously malevolent bully." ~Dr. Richard Dawkins

~When Andy states concerning Christianity, "Instead of defining itself in terms of what it stands for, the church often takes the less imaginative and easier path of defining itself in terms of what it it against.", what thoughts come to your mind?

~"In the beginning God created, and this was a marvelous act of grace. But that was just the beginning." Did you think of creation as "grace" before reading this chapter? Do you think creation IS an act of God's grace?

~"Grace is never just enough. Grace is always far more than enough." Take a moment. Write these words down on a sheet of paper and then spend a few minutes reflecting on the thoughts represented by this statement. Now, list the areas where you see God's grace as "enough". Now, write down those areas you feel "Grace" seems to fall short in your life. Be honest. Now, be honest to God and spend a few minutes praying for "grace sufficient" (II Corinthians 12:9) to become a little more understood in your everyday life.

~Have you ever had an issue with grace? For me, there are times when grace seems to "wink" at sin. Have you ever thought this way? This phrase really got my attention in this opening read, "Grace acknowledges the full implication of sin and yet does not condemn."

~"From the beginning God has responded to the sin of humanity with . . . well . . . amazing grace." Do you agree with this claim?

There ya go, the first few pages behind you and a new look at the nature of God's grace began. My hope is that this will begin a new excursion into the depths of God's grace, that you will find the work on the inside to be refreshing and freeing.

Those of who are visiting these pages again, my prayer for you is that this drive through will allow you to see new sights that will enrich the growth you experienced during your first read.

For all of us, I am asking that God would draw our hearts together, to bring our focus and ministry a greater sense of his love. My hope is that our vision/mission will reflect this amazing gift of grace. I am convinced that if we learn this and reflect it in our lives daily and in our corporate ministry, IT WILL CHANGE LIVES. Ours and others.

Thanks for your time...

Till next week...


Jeffrey Fuller said:

on February 23, 2016 at 6:42pm

Grace... This word and the first chapter stirred many feelings within me. Without a doubt I do not deserve Grace yet that is the beauty of this concept... receiving what I do not deserve. Only a perfect being such as our creator God could think to dispense to us Grace. I have received and given Grace but it has been a work in progress. I grew up in a family that was more legalistic than most and in my early days of my faith journey caused me to withhold Grace because of others actions. I can surely understand the statement that Andy makes about the church being more focused on what it stands against then what it stands for. This type of attitude was more caught than taught in my early years, but it did form my opinion on who should receive Grace. That last statement is pretty bold thinking I was the gatekeeper of Grace when really I was simply acting on misinformation. That is one thing I am grateful for is that the one who gives Grace is the who know the total picture. As I have matured in the faith journey the good Lord has allowed me to experience Grace many times. This continued outpouring of Grace has helped me become aware of the Grace I should be extending daily. I am now more compassionate and quicker to apply Grace to situations and people then i have ever been. I am not perfect but I have moved along way from my early days. Do I think that sometimes people misuse and even abuse Grace... yes but I am not the one to remove the Grace I am to give in any situation, instead I continue to apply Grace and pray for change. Grace can be such a powerful tool to enlist change in people. I do see, now that I have experienced a culture of Grace in my current church, how a church that is full of Grace can and would be appealing to most people. We have tried to develop a culture of openness and honesty that allows people to be accepted and given the Grace to grow in Christ and out of whatever their struggles are. If you are afraid to confess and worried that you will be judged for your shortcomings then you miss out, on the wonderful power to get a release from your struggles that Grace affords. Grace Grace Wonderful Grace flowing down from the Father above.... Thank you Father God for your Grace

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