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I am not sure I would have asked....

Written by: Bill Sparks Posted on: October 6, 2015 Blog: GrowLead

You have probably heard the old saying one down one to go. Well that is exactly where you're at in the book. Part one is done, eight chapters read, now the rush to the finish line. An introduction and three short chapters in your finished. My hope is that when you read the last words of this book, it will not be the last time you pick it up and read it.

I am not sure if you have books that you read over and over again, but I do. There are five of them, as I sit here writing this post, that come back to my mind as if I'd read them yesterday. The list is as follows…

How good is good enough, ~Andy Stanley

In the eye of the storm, ~Max Lucado

The grace of God, ~Andy Stanley

Traveling light, ~Max Lucado

Second guessing God, ~Brian Jones

I'm sure there are others I have reread but these five have been my go to books when I'm in need of reminding myself of the grace of God, the power of God's grace to hold me, the depth of God's grace to help me love others, and the freedom it takes to understanding that I will never be perfect so why would I require others to be.

As I finished this first half of the book, there was a question that came to my mind. I wondered, if I were the thief on the cross, and I had truly lived a life full of stuff that deserved to be punished by being put to death, would I have even taken the opportunity to asked Jesus to remember me in his kingdom.

I've oscillated back and forth between two thoughts, was he that bold, or was he that broken. After some thought, I tend to think maybe a mixture of both. I have found that when God has allowed me to be broken, I most likely find myself to be in a place where I am finally bold enough to admit that I am not strong enough. It is from this posture that I call out to him for forgiveness, grace, peace and strength to face the struggles and strife of living.

This song really speaks volumes to me about this issue, I hope you enjoy it.....

So as you finished this first half, what has stood out to you from this chapter or the previous chapters?

As always, feel free to comment, and I don't say this just to be saying it, I truly enjoy reading your comments…

So comment away…

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