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Embrace the Vision Personally

Written by: Bill Sparks Posted on: January 12, 2016 Blog: GrowLead

Have you ever met anyone who won't stop talking about something going on in their life?

They can be really convincing or really annoying. In this chapter, our goal is to achieve the first.

Knowing that each of you have a passion for the mission of Gilead, I want to fan the flame and seeit burn as brightly as possible.

With that in mind... Let me ask you some questions intended to invite you to speak honestly and openly. Your success is the best tool to excite your heart around the mission of Gilead Ministries. It is also the best way to see hearts touched at their deepest level, a team of people who understand and own the mission.

Here we go:

~What could I do as a leader/mentor that would help you embrace Gilead in your everyday life?

~How could I facilitate your desire to serve and give it traction in your life when you are not in board meetings?

~On a scale of 1 to 10, what would you rate your current "embrace" quotient?

Now, let's review some of the highlights of this weeks chapter...

..."When you embody the vision of your organization, people...believe (it is) more than a job. (board member)"

..."Living the vision establishes credibility and makes you a leader worth following."

...In a few words, maybe a sentence or two, what do you get from this paragraph: "Embracing the vision personally isn't just a "ministry" value. Like you, I have friends who are fanatics about the products they sell with the companies they work for.… If you say you believe in something, live it out. And live it in a way that the people around you can see it. That's not arrogant. That's liberating. It frees others to join without reservation and without suspicion." (Pg. 49)

..."Let's be honest. There are days, maybe even seasons when you are not to feel as passionate as you did in the early days… I'm sure there are times when you just don't feel it the way you once felt. You are just as committed in your mind and heart as you've ever been. But you lack passion… Don't fake it. Admit it. If possible, admitted to some safe people within your organization.… When I feel like I'm losing my passion… I... ask them to pray for me." Does this make you feel empowered?

..."...transperency builds trust. It will help ensure your vision sticks!"

Ok, it's your turn...

Comment away, let's learn from each other and let's touch the hearts of cancer and long term illness patients with the love of Christ.

God bless!


Jeffrey Fuller said:

on January 16, 2016 at 1:52pm

I believe that stories from people and multiple opportunities to serve/connect with people will facilitate a positive connection with Gilead thus stirring a desire to remain focused on the vision of Gilead. Limited knowledge of the outcomes (positive or negative) with people and/or limited times to serve, I believe, will quench the desire to remain involved with those things that are not required.

Jason Stepp said:

on January 26, 2016 at 12:35pm

I agree w/Jeff. Your best promotion is your "people." Whether those we serve, or ourselves directly - remembering that OUR cheer leading is as important as the positive feedback we get from our clients. My "E.Q." needs to be higher - it's somewhere in the high-middle of the road so to speak... not where it could be but that's just due to life circumstances and a busy schedule. I'm praying/hoping for a slightly less turbulent 2016 (personally), lol! :) I'll continue to give it consideration and thought... thanks for posing the questions, Bill!

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