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Chapter 7 ~ They Need Help

Written by: Bill Sparks Posted on: November 8, 2018 Blog: GrowLead

12491-Before-Amen1200.1200w.tn.jpgI chuckled, again, as I began this chapter.


Because this is the one aspect of the Lord's prayer Max talks about that ALL of us believe. Maybe not the way Jesus says it, but the way Max titles it, we hold tightly to the topic.

"They Need Help"...

You've said this about parents, about children, spouses, pastors, politicians, co-workers... and the list could go on and on...

Here's how it comes out... "__________ is one fry shy of a Happy Meal." or the most famous southern version... "bless your (their) heart."

You know that when you hear those phrases you are attempting to be kind and say something not so nice about a person."Max", you may say, "I know lots of people who Jesus needs to help." Well, you're missing out on the message if you're stuck on this phrase...like my poor mind is.

So I chuckle...Now I move on, it's a good thing for my spiritual life to do so.o-HAPPYMEAL-facebook_(1).jpg

Each day of our time on earth, there is someone who is at a point where you and I can't help them. You're willing to try sometimes, but no matter what, you're not able to meet the need of another person.

My thoughts go to my everyday life.... the mother and father of a 6 month old who has failing kidneys, which was unknown to these loving parents at the time this bundle of joy arrived in their life. Now their lives, and the life of their innocent child, have been altered. It hurts.

What do you do?

I think about the mother of a 17 year old, who just recently had an altercation with someone he should not have been associating with. He is now laying in a casket. Stabbed to death. And a heart stops. A heart breaks. A family is irreparably changed. A mother's heart will ache, possibly for the rest of her days. It may be what shortens her own life, a broken heart that loses its will to thrive.

What do you do?

Or it could be a phone call. At the other end is a voice with news too hard to bear. "Your cancer has returned and we need you to have more scans done." Their mind swirls as the memory of the past 4 bouts of cancer weigh on their mind & cause their heart to nearly stop beating. As soon as the heaviness arrives and it feels as if their heart will stop, the anxiety pumps adrenaline to their system and everything is spinning again.

What do you do?


You ring the doorbell. That's what Max encourages.

What is he response from the other side of the door? According to Luke, a man who interviewed eyewitnesses of Jesus' life, death and resurrection, you knock at midnight and the owner of the house answers and helps.


"Jesus never refused an intercessory request. Ever!" (pg 70)

I've been pretty open in my blog posts as we've journeyed through books together, I guess there is no sense in changing now.

Max, I think you've gone a little overboard here.

You may think he has too.

I take issue that "Jesus never refused an intercessory prayer" on a number of levels, but my most difficult one is, I've prayed for people and their life seemed to be lacking God's intervention.

You have too!

What do we do with those moments?

When God seems deaf to the appeal of our prayer and seems to ignore the quickened beating of our heart?


"Belief: pounding on God's door at midnight. Doing whatever it takes to present people to Jesus." (pg 72)

I believe God answers! I do!

Despite my struggle of faith for the answers, or lack of, I hold to the only thing that makes sense. God loves me, He loves who I am praying for, and ultimately, He knows how and when to answer.

One other thing that plays into that equation for me... I believe God doesn't always share the answer to our prayers with us. We will have to wait until eternity to see them.

I know that isn't comfortable, but there's more truth to that statement than the ones I used to default to.

Before it was, "God always answers prayer" or "In His timing" or "I just have to have faith" (or maybe more faith) or "It just not his will."

Those still exist in my vocabulary. They just bow to the reality that I don't know best. Neither did Job. It's why God NEVER explained to Job the purpose for his pain. He just tells him, "you aren't big enough to handle the answers." (My version of God's answer to Job. Read it, Chapters 38-42)

In light of the heaviness of my post up until now, I love Max's assertions, "We do not change God's intentions, but we can influence his actions" (pg 74) and "Intercessory prayer isn't rocket science. It acknowledges our inability and God's ability." (pg 75)

How true.

There are at least another dozen topics I could cover from this chapter. It is rich in thoughts and challenges about praying for others.

Instead, I will close with my favorite part of the chapter... "You are never more like Jesus than when you pray for others."

Let's stop right now and do that... pray for each other and our families, our jobs, our churches, our faith, our stresses and struggles.... PRAY... Go ahead... It is the best investment you'll make today.

Till next week...


Jeffrey Fuller said:

on November 13, 2018 at 6:11pm

I am reminded about a story shared by Bill Johnson lead pastor of Bethel church in Redding California... in the midst of a great outpouring of the spirit of God Bill states that a mother of a child with a severe medical condition presents the child to him for prayer and healing. He said that he had experienced the Lord moving through him to heal many times but no matter how he prayed for this child the condition of the child was unchanged... he looked into the desperate eyes of the mother but the healing never came. What he said has stuck with me... your job is to pray and believe then leave the rest up to God. He goes on to share you never know what the Lord is requiring of other people before the answer to a prayer can or will be released. I am a fixer, God created me that way, so it can be difficult to engage in heartfelt prayer for someone in need and never see a change in the situation because I am sure that "I" can't and I am even more sure that "He" can... but all the complex interwoven issues I can not see or even understand have some bearing on the response to our prayers and I have to leave it there.

Debra Price said:

on November 20, 2018 at 12:46pm

I think God is working through this study to get "at" me. I've been very disillusioned with the church, in general and sometimes with God specifically. Most recently, the death of my friend and Pastor Chas Singer. I have never met a more Godly and just down to earth soul in my life. He would say he fell fall short of that. But there are many Godly people that you just don't want to be around. Chas wasn't one of them. But, no matter how many people prayed for him, he still died. This bothered me more than I have let on to anyone save my husband and God himself. But it also got to the core of something that I didn't think I believed. I still was thinking if you are good enough, Godly enough, that God will save you. I know for a fact that God has his timing. My mother was saved MANY times from cancer and other disease. But I didn't expect her to be healed this last time. Why? Because I felt that God had saved her so many times, that this time it wouldn't happen and I felt it was her time. But the logic is still very man made, isn't it? We think that it still all rests on what we do, or want or how hard we pray. It doesn't at all. I think the part where Max says that we will never change his will, but can change the way he exercises it. That really stuck with me.

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