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Chapter 7 - Sustained by Grace

Written by: Bill Sparks Posted on: April 5, 2016 Blog: GrowLead

I've stepped over the line before...

My children have stepped over the line before...


Neither me or my children never stepped that far over the line!

I am guessing that you may not have either. Or... Maybe you have...

But, I cannot say that I have not been in David's shoes. I may never have had an affair or arranged the murder of another human being, but I have been responsible for knowing the truth and doing something else.

If you've never done that, then you can stop reading now.

If you have, read on...

I like what Andy says in this chapter. Or at least I think I like it. Let t his thought sink in for a moment, "If grace had limits, David's behavior would have exposed them."

What a statement.

Now at this place in our journey, you may be tempted as I am to say something like, "doesn't that just make people a little more bold to choose to sin?" My answer, maybe! Think about these words from Andy, "In spite of his terrible lapse of judgment, David was still destined to become the king of Israel. God had willed it. He had willed it knowing that David would not always be worthy of this sacred trust. He willed it knowing that a day would come when David would give him ample reason to rescind his promise."


What comes to your mind after reading that?

I can tell you my thoughts.... REALLY! God you KNEW it and still did what you planned? David did not get knocked out of his "blessing" after that behavior?

I can hear (not really HEAR) God saying, "Yes Bill, I am God. Any more questions?" Then I can hear (again not really HEAR) Jesus' words echo in my mind, "...Jesus said this to tell how 36341a36bd9c9488f6e60ffa179442ea.jpgPeter ould die and bring honor to God. Then he said to Peter, “Follow me!” Peter turned and saw Jesus' favorite disciple following them. He was the same one who had sat next to Jesus at the meal and had asked, “Lord, who is going to betray you?” When Peter saw that disciple, he asked Jesus, “Lord, what about him? Jesus answered, “What is it to you, if I want him to live until I return? You must follow me.” (John 21:19-22)

Essentially Jesus says to Peter (and to me), "yes, I know, follow me."

So, with all that said, let me highlight a few more thoughts from this chapter, please feel free to comment, agree or disagree.

~"Fortunately, for those of us who have been given much and are thus responsible for much, there is much grace." (pg 92)

~God's promise to David and his descendants was a promise rooted in his grace, no in their performance." (pg 95)

~"But that promise would stand. for it was not anchored by the behavior of the recipient, but the grace of the One who had made the promise." (pg 97)

~"God didn't look for an out when David took improper advantage of the status God had


granted him." (pg 98)

~"...grace and discipline are not mutually exclusive. One does not preclude the other. Discipllne is often an expression of grace." (pg 100)

~"If grace had limits, David's behavior would have exposed them." (pg 102)

~"If David's story is any indication, grace has no end." (pg 104)

For the next five and a half minutes, spend time with the voices that we will be privileged to have with us in June. Their words ring so true as we conclude our time with Chapter 7.

Till Next Time...



Jeffrey Fuller said:

on April 8, 2016 at 9:48pm

Overwhelmed... humbled... undeserving are a few words that come to mind when thinking about the endless grace extended to each of us in our short lifespans. David's life was one that emphasized the extent grace flows to cover us in spite of our many failings and shortcomings. If not for grace where would I be... grace grace God's grace, grace that CAN, WILL and DOES cover us daily! Thank you Lord for your limitless grace and love.

Jason Stepp said:

on May 5, 2016 at 3:22pm

Aaah, Grace... Where would *I* be without it. It's always a good thing to stop and look at God's grace that he's afforded you when you don't deserve it (we never do) and don't ask for it. Being full of grace, it's something God can't help but exude - and as Jeff said, it daily "fills in" for my flaws and gaps. Really, a "Thanks God" kind of a thing.

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