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Chapter 5 ~ I Will Give You Rest

Written by: Bill Sparks Posted on: October 17, 2016 Blog: GrowLead


What a heavy word...

And yet, I have not met one human being who hasn't experienced it. Some physical. Some emotional. Then there are those who have experienced it spiritually. God's answers or the lack of them have made them weary.

"We work hard Money to be made. Degrees to be earned. Ladders to climbed. In our book iStock_000064909081_Small-e1433734926441.jpgbusyness is next to godliness.. We idolize Thomas Edison, who claimed he could live on 15 minute naps. Somehow we forget to mention Albert Einstein, who averaged 11 hours of sleep a night. In 1910 Americans slept 9 hours a night; today we sleep seven and we are proud of it. And we are tired because of it. Our minds are tired. Our bodies are tired. But much more important, our souls are tired." (pg 39)

Wow Max! Those are pretty steep words!

And yet each day, each week we listen to leaders, bosses, preacher, parents, teachers who tell us to "live up to our potential" and so we try. We plan out our days and cut short our nights and before we know it. Things are done, and so are we.


I have lived through a season of extreme sleep deprivation. I could pray with inmates and cancer patients by day and answer the call for fearful souls and dead bodies at night. All while teaching at least once a week and playing with the kids. The result was not pretty. Nor was my attitude.

I understand there are times when rest is sparce and work is plentiful. I am not without compassion. I only know, I am not built for insomonia.

Now to the phrase which hits close to the heart (my heart if not yourrs)... "Unfortunately sheep cannot find safe pasture. They need help. The need a shepherd. Without a shepherd, they can't rest." (pg 39-40)

Don't you agree? We need help? We need a shepherd (Savior)?

"If creation didn't crash when I rested (Max quoting God), it won't crash when you do. ...Repeat these words after me: It is not my job to run the world." (pg 42)

"With his own pierced hands, Jesus created a pasture for the soul...And he invites you to rest there." (pg 43)

Will you? I struggle with resting. I want to let the Shepherd "lead me". How about you?

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Jeff said:

on October 25, 2016 at 8:13am

Rest, Sleep, Nap, Relax... have been changed in our society with succeed, make deadline, do more, and have more. At the core we are crippled with weariness yet continue to push on as good people without remembering that God created rest for us. I am very guilty of this, even when I mean well and feel I am doing it for the Kingdom. This, rest, is such a balancing act for the greater majority of us... that's why some people need sleeping aids, have health disparities, and even die unexpectedly! I was one, of the almost dying, as in 2004 I feel dead asleep at the wheel an wrecked my vehicle... it was a wake call and God protected (Thank you Lord). I still struggle with this but to a lesser degree. I read or heard something a while back that hit home... this business is one of the ways satan keeps us off balance and defeated. Lack of rest does not let us renew the mind and keep things in proper perspective. We become more depressed, unfocused, and doubt/fear creep in! It is no wonder God has to "make" us lay down! Lord God may I remember to rest in you and in my bed too! Blessings

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