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Chapter 4 ~ I Need Help...

Written by: Bill Sparks Posted on: September 11, 2020 Blog: GrowLead

Here is a story I've heard many versions of. Some say it is a true story, I doubt that...

It is a fun story and I hope to share some thoughts from Chapter four after it...

Enjoy this read...

"A mom and dad were having trouble with their twin boys. One was abnormally happy all the time. The other boy found something bad about everything. After a while the parents decided to take their two sons to a child psychologist.

The psychologist claimed to have an easy cure. He placed the too happy boy in a room filled with horse manure and a pitchfork. Figuring this would cure the boy’s overly joyful spirit, the doctor told him to dig. Then he left the boy alone. He took the always crabby boy into a room filled with new toys and candy. He was free to play with it all. “That should cure him of his dark outlook on life,” exclaimed the psychologist. “We’ll come back in a few hours and see.”

When the psychologist and parents returned to the room full of toys and candy, they were shocked to see the little boy sobbing in the middle of the floor. “I might hurt myself if I play with these toys,” he cried, “and the candy might give me a tummy ache.” All the wonderful things around him hadn’t snapped him out of his pessimistic attitude.

“Well, surely your other boy will be cured,” claimed the psychologist, trying to sound confident. Peering into the second room, the adults were astounded to see the boy digging through the manure in a fury. The boy’s mom tried to get him to slow down, but he was so busy that he only paused to say, “With all this manure, there must be a pony in here somewhere!”"

Most people who know me would say that at any given time I can be the optimist or the pessimist. In my younger years the pendulum swung much farther out to the plus and minus side of the arc.

Why would I choose this story for this chapter?

Because, some of us think we're tough enough, good enough, close to God enough, whatever... enough...

And since we feel that way, it's hard for us to ask for help. Maybe you've worked with someone in your job, they never ask for assistance. Their choice of no support from fellow staff can sometimes bring more work. No matter how many times you tell them to let you or someone know if they are in need of assistance, they plunge through, like the boy in the manure, expecting a pony. There isn't one...

I don't say that to quell an optimistic outlook, I just know, from the beginning there was no pony. It was only in the mind of the boy.

And it can be in our mind. We believe we can handle life and only when we've exhausted our options (sometimes not even then) do we go to God and ask for help.

He didn't design us that way...

Then there is the other side of the story...

Some of us are like the little boy in the room full of good things. No matter what God does for us it will eventually not be right.

If we get the job, the people we work with aren't .... (you fill in the blank)...

If we get the house, someone eventually has a bigger or better one...

If we get the spouse, they don't love you or vice versa, you don't love them anymore...

If you get the ..... then ....

This could go on all day.

Our spiritual lives are then filled with "I am not good enough" or "Life isn't...." or "Murphy's Law..." or... again, you fill in the blank. And that could go on all day...

What option do you have in this mindset... Father, You are Good.... I Need Help...


Here is Max's assessment... "Life is a gift, albeit unassembled. It comes in pieces, and sometimes falls to pieces. Part A doesn't always fit part B. The struggle is too great for the strength. Inevitably, something seems to be missing. The pieces of life don't fit. When they don't, take your problems to Jesus...(pg 32)...In your case the department runs out of cash, the team ran out of solutions, or you've run out of energy. Life leaks...(pg 33),,,The mother of Jesus said to Him, "They have no wine"...(pg 33)...The punchline is clear: take your problem to Jesus. Don't take it to the bar....Don't take out your problems out on others...Temper tantrums never advance the cause. The moment you sense a problem, however large or small, take it to Christ...(pg 36-37)"

I would add, when you get to the place where you think you have no problems, you might want to go to the same source of grace, for it is often when we're up, that down is in the future...

I don't always do so well with down times, I'm learning more and more to look up during those hours...

I certainly struggle with being a little big headed when I am in the up times, I'm learning that no matter how "up" I am, looking up helps me return my perspective to this simple prayer...


...you are good...

......I need help......

I've never know of a time, ever, that I didn't need God's help. It's more apparent as I have more calendar days accomplished.

Here's to learning together, learning how to see how great God's grace is, and maybe even learn a little better how to pray...

Till next week...


Sheila Stewart said:

on September 15, 2020 at 5:05pm

This chapter reminds me of my daughter's faith concerning her beloved cat, Milo. I don't know of anyone who has ever loved a cat more than she loves Milo!! Natalie was living with us right after college and working at Marion General Hospital, just beginning to save money for a new computer. She had saved just $400 when she woke me up early on a Sunday morning holding Milo and said he had a fever and was really sick. She wanted me to help her take him to the emergency vet clinic in Anderson. I told her he would probably be fine and we would just take him to our vet on Monday when they were open. She insisted, so we made the trip to Anderson. She was right....he was very sick and they needed to keep him. They called the next day and said his total treatment would be $1,400. I told her we didn't have that kind of money and that she should just hope he would get better on his own. However, the clinic allowed her to pay the $400 she had saved and then make payments. Milo made an amazing recovery. She told me that she had never prayed so hard for anything as she had prayed for Milo to get well. She continued to offer prayers of thanks for his healing. I asked her how she was going to pay the remaining $1,000 on her small salary and she said "I'm going to pray that I win the next drawing at work." At that time MGH had quarterly celebrations and employee reward drawings in amounts from $50 to $1,000. The morning of the next drawing (and before her first payment was due) Natalie told me that she had been thanking God for healing Milo and that she had prayed to win the $1,000 top prize. I was pretty sure she was setting herself up for disappointment and that I would be helping with vet payments for a long time. She came to sit with me for the drawing and was smiling from ear to ear in anticipation of hearing her name, while my stomach was churning at the thought of how disappointed she was going to be. She scooted to the edge of her seat as the $1,000 winner was being drawn and was already getting up when her name was called!!! She turned to me and smiled and high-fived me with an "I told you so" look. I learned a lot about trusting Jesus from her that day.

Ron Smelser said:

on September 15, 2020 at 8:15pm

I can’t count the times when I have tried to do things alone. I didn’t need help. And, more importantly, I didn’t want help. Of course, more times than not, I discovered, I needed help. As I walk with Jesus, my Lord and Savior, I find there are many times when I try to do everything on my own. During those times when I feel self-sufficient, I totally ignore Jesus. The words of Max Lucado remind me that I need to take everything to Jesus. I need to make Jesus my first option, not my last option. As I find Part A doesn’t fit Part B, I need to call on Jesus. When life is falling to pieces, I need to call on Jesus. Even when I can fix it, whatever it may be, I need to first call on Jesus. Life is always better when Jesus is Option 1. He has never failed me. Jesus will never let me down!

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