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Chapter 4 ~ Graced By Rules

Written by: Bill Sparks Posted on: March 29, 2015 Blog: GrowLead

If you grew up in church, which I did from age 12 on, you've heard messages about God's incredible standards preached from the Old Testament and how he blessed those who listened and really came down hard on those who didn't.

When I first heard Andy teach on the 10 Commandments I knew what he was going to say, we may all know what he was going to say. I've heard it many, many times, Keep 'em and get blessed! Now you may not have had that blatant of an approach, but really down deep all of us knew the "keeping" made us better and the breaking made us bad.

I have to say, after listening to him teach the 10 Commandments, my opinion didn't change a whole lot, I still think that God allows our good and bad actions to work for us or against us. Instead I've added, as Paul Harvey used to say, the "rest of the story."

I may have been told the rest of the story before so I won't blame the messengers who taught on the passage before. What would I say is the rest of the story?

Here's the thing that amazed me so much... The 10 Commandments were given to the Iraelites because God HAD a relationship with them, not so they could GET a relationship with him.

Why is that important? Because that tells me that God loved the people he had chosen and that in his "Grace" he gave them ways to relate to who he was and how to be more aware of his goodness and provision by keeping him as the central focus of our lives.

You see, love seeks the good for the one it loves, perfect love (God's love, see

I John 4:18) would then seek the ultimate good for us!

Some food for thought...

How have you tried to earn God's favor by being good?

What struggle do you have if you're good and bad happens?

Do you find yourself distracted when those who deserve "judgement" don't get "what is coming to them?"

Aren't we blessed by grace!

Till we meet again...


Melissa Armstrong said:

on March 30, 2015 at 3:56pm

I wasn't raised in a church going family. I didn't start going to church regularly until about the age of 29. My daughter was 4 years old. We had just gotten out of a marriage that wasn't working in our best interest. I knew I couldn't raise my daughter in the environment that we were living with my ex-spouse. I knew in my heart that it would be better to raise her alone. I know today that it was the right decision. My precious 4 year old and I were readily welcomed back into my parents home. My dad had been ill and they had started going to his small hometown church. The church I grew to love. The church I was baptized in while in my 30's. I say this all because, I want you all to know some of my background. To know me better. To better understand me. I share because this is a safe place and I just want you all to know. I also just want you to understand I cannot quote from the bible. I wish I could. I know of the Ten Commandments but could never have quoted them if you had asked me. Andy Stanley really does make everything much easier to understand doesn't he. Law vs Grace. Who knew it was really two different things and He made His law to confirm my relationship with Him. Maybe this is why in my last post I stated and still do struggle with those who don't follow the law but still have His grace. I hope to understand better after we are done with this book.

Ray Dosh said:

on March 31, 2015 at 9:27am

I'm sure that I've heard it before but Andy really helped bring it home that God's laws aren't what allows us a relationship with Him, but they help us grow that relationship. I love his analogy. I particularly love that such an analogy will help me to explain God's laws in the context of His grace when I'm speaking to non-Christians. I don't really have too much trouble dealing with the tribulations I go through when I've been "good." Christ told us that we would have difficulty. While I sometimes wish for other outcomes, I also don't struggle greatly when the unrighteous don't suffer the consequences of their actions. The Psalms (Psalm 37, for one) reminds me that they will eventually suffer their fate if they don't turn to Him.

Joyce Hostetler said:

on April 4, 2015 at 2:24pm

This was a very interesting chapter to me. I love the background of the history of the Ten Commandments. The face that the slaves had SO MANY laws and rules was enlightening. When Andy writes in personal anecdotes from his own life, I enjoy the reading even more.

Sheila Stewart said:

on April 6, 2015 at 12:23pm

Like Joyce, I enjoy Andy's personal stories. I also like this 'virtual book club' where we can trust each other and learn each others' stories and share our heartfelt thoughts. I remember when I was a small child and first heard the story of Adam and Eve in Sunday School I was mad that they had 'ruined it for the rest of us'. I used to be mad when I thought others got what they didn't deserve but, as I have grown older, I also realize how blessed I am without deserving it. There have been many times where I've tried to play the 'if you will do this, then I will do (or not do) that' game with God, all the while knowing that God does not play that game! "The Law confronted humanity with both the seriousness of sin and the depth of God's grace." I'm now comforted by the God's law and the Ten Commandments, which help us confront our sin, repent and receive God's forgiveness and grace. I thought the timing of this chapter was perfect as we celebrated the resurrection of our Lord and His promise of eternal life with Him.

Ginny Soultz said:

on May 6, 2015 at 3:04pm

This was an interesting chapter for me since I went to a very legalistic boarding school on the mission field which definitely held to the "myth" that Andy described as "God's approval is reserved for the rule followers." I am so thankful that gradually over the years, I have been released from the bondage that "rule following" brings, and have been able to accept God's abundant grace. Even so, I had never taken the next step to realizing that God's laws are actually an outpouring of that grace and yet another example of his compassion and love for us! Amazing!

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