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Chapter 4 ~ The Prison of Want

Written by: Bill Sparks Posted on: October 13, 2016 Blog: GrowLead

The opening words of this chapter are really quite pointed. As a person who has had a desire to succeed and a work ethic to try to make it happen, I've often wondered about where my passion ends and my contentment begins.

I find the following phrases from the first paragraphs of chapter four quite interesting...

~They want something...

~They don't want much...

~And when they have "one" they will be happy...

~The "New"....

~But then it happens...

Wow, what an eye opening course of events.

In the past I have been a prisoner of this thinking in my life. From time to time the temptation rises again. Like Otis from Mayberry, find myself getting intoxicated with the possibilities of what can be and the next thing I know I'm checking myself into the "bars" motel.

The hardest words I have ever heard were in a counseling session I was in while I was struggling

quote-if-you-want-total-security-go-to-prison-there-you-re-fed-clothed-given-medical-care-and-so-on-dwight-d-eisenhower-56545.jpgwith depression after my father died. His death fell under the heading of "wrong timing". I had expected him to die much sooner, but instead, the Lord allowed him to die when I was going through a very rough patch in my health. I, like the golfer in chapter three, tried to do it "my way". The result was just as ugly.

The counselor, who happened to be a pastor, asked me this quesion, "Bill, what are you going to do if God never allows your physical health to return?" I wanted to punch him in the face. I was unprepared for the confrontation and it showed.

Max asks the same question: "If your ship never comes in, if your dream never comes true, if your situation never changes, could you be happy?" Are you now as equally unprepared?

Then, as if Max has no regard for the reeling feelings you are experiencing, he jumps right into... "If not, then you are sleeping in the cold cell of discontent."

Wow... what an eye opening statement. It made me ask myself some hard questions 10 years ago. Instead of writing a resignation letter from life 10 years ago, I decided to take one moment, thought and day at a time. So, I sit writing this blog because of what I didn't write. I sit writing these few words on the canvas of a webpage instead of wandering the desert of want. I don't feel like I am any better than others who are imprisoned, but I think I am happier.

There are plenty of other statements from this chapter that could be shared here. I am sure that some of the ones you enjoyed may have been missed.

Take a few minutes now and share your thoughts or favorite phrases from this fourth chapter.


Jeff said:

on October 19, 2016 at 6:16pm

Yep right in the face of everything the world tries to portray as happiness and success. I too have battled this a few times in my life and you would think I would learn to not take up this battle as it always has ended with more work and frustration then reward and satisfaction. God has to be the center of our W-A-N-T... when I focus on Him and allow Him to supply my W-A-N-T, life is always better and peace comes. Need to be reminded of this fact more then I would like to admit but it is so true.

Ray said:

on October 27, 2016 at 9:13pm

Hits me right where I live! In that very same prison Max describes at the start of this chapter! I've always got something that I'm looking forward to acquiring or achieving. I'm always thinking that I'll be much happier when I get this or accomplish that. For the past year, I've been making some of the most ambitious plans of my life. It's a multi-year project that would probably be the biggest thing I've ever done. I've not been able yet to accomplish the first thing to get this project off the ground and the thought nags at me, "What if I can't do it?" Contentment seems so out of reach. I think I need to read this chapter ten more times...and then do it again!

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