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Chapter 3 ~ Surprised by Grace

Written by: Bill Sparks Posted on: March 28, 2018 Blog: GrowLead

Life is really interesting, so is this chapter...

This chapter teems with all kinds of story lines that could be found at any given time on a daytime soap or a

judah_sad.jpgprimetime nighttime drama, with all the trimmings of family infidelity, hatred, twists and turns that would cause you to sit on pins and needles until the next episode!

I am wondering, what do you think of what you read?

I am guessing that you had already heard of Joseph's story, probably have seen all the flanelgraphs for this epic tale. What I wonder is, were you already aware of the steamy exchange of Judah and Tamar?

Some thing that is really amazing to me, is that with all that "stuff", Judah would still become the leader of one of the tribes of the nation that God would establish, Israel. And then, Judah's genealogy includes the Savior!

And then, Judah's genealogy includes the Savior!

My aim in the next few lines is not to make any political statements. But you would have to live in a vacuum to have not heard about President Trump and any number of crazy things he has tweeted. He has had all kinds of things thrown at him. Some he asked for, some he didn't.

And let's not wonder about what is involved, let's just say... Russia won't go away!

My point, if you are out front in a leadership role of any kind your life is open to the commentary of those who feel free to speak for or against you. Judah was a known leader among his people. His choices were going to be public, it just took time.


Now, imagine what CNN, Fox News, New York Times or any other media avenue would do with a story like Judah's! He would be shredded to pieces or his story would be a documentary. "Prominent businessman now confesses he is the father of his daughter-in-law's baby!" If you think about it, it may not even play well in our society, we've seen about everything! But in Judah's day, given Judah's families faith, that was the scandal he had created with his choices!


Judah's story is full of grace, it's just down the road and he doesn't know it's coming.

It's the same for us. Our story isn't what the people around us tell us. That is why it is so amazing that we are able to find grace, even when we've made "headline" decisions (whether they made it there or not). In our past or even today, God's grace can turn them into something much different than we can imagine.

As I finish this post, I want to share some of the thoughts from this chapter. Feel free to share your thoughts after you read these...

  • Like all principles, the principle of sowing and reaping can work for you or against you. (Pg 33)
  • Grace is the vehicle God uses on occasion to ensure that we get precisely what we grace-of-god.jpgdon't deserve. (Pg 34)
  • Once again, the law of sowing and reaping was thwarted by grace. (Pg 47)
  • God continued to weave the theme of grace into the story of mankind. Through Judah's story, we are reminded that grace is not reserved for good people; grace underscores the goodness of God. (Pg 49)

There we go, chapter 3 "in the books". How are you doing? Enjoying your read? (again?)

Till next week,



Debra Jones Price said:

on April 7, 2018 at 7:10am

I have a tendency to put myself in the place of biblical characters. I think we all do that in anything we read, especially if we can identify with them. I am not saying I identify completely with Judah, after all he does have a pretty seedy side to him, but I do identify with what you said about being up for evaluation because of being a leader. Its not easy to shoulder the responsibilities of a nation, let alone a company. I still marvel at the grace that God gives us even when we should reap the whirlwind for sowing crazy seed. In life or on twitter. God bless.

Jeff F said:

on April 8, 2018 at 3:43pm

It really does interest me that the lineage of Jesus has some of the most "diverse" people from prostitutes to murders, one might say these are some very unappealing characters. I take coverage and solace in knowing that the Grace of God is extended to the most unappealing of people not just reserved for those who have everything together and follow all of the laws. I remember a period of time that reminds me of an Oreo... I had known God as a youth but in my early 20s I had a period in time that we will call the middle, at times it would seem to reflect some of Judah's lifestyles with self-centeredness and lacking integrity. Thank God that his Grace was always extended to me and as Scripture says He will leave the 99 to go find one, I'm glad He considered me one.

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