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Chapter 3 ~ I'll Do It My Way

Written by: Bill Sparks Posted on: October 4, 2016 Blog: GrowLead

It's hard to admit, but each of us have areas of life where we want our way...

For me, it's peanut butter and jelly. Why do people not use the entire piece of bread when they 141fcafaa3c94fcbea9d838c8d63de21.jpgmake a PBJ? When you put the PB on the bread, spread it EVENLY on the bread and to the edges. Same for the jelly. All the way to the edge, EVENLY spread. I see one made differently and I think to myself.... "WHAT IS WRONG WITH THOSE PEOPLE!"

Illustration_-_your_way_my_way_street_signs.jpgLest you worry about getting jelly on you, let me ask the obvioius quetion, is it a good PBJ if you don't wear some of it?

So... what is yours?





Here may be a better question, "What would someone else say (someone who knows you) is your PBJ?

Maybe your "PBJ" isn't obvious to others. You are able to hide it behind a "servants heart". Or, maybe you are good at misdirection, you keep them looking the other way so that they are not able to see "your way". After all, you were taught better.

Or, in all honesty, maybe this chapter is not for you. Maybe you have this area under control. I believe you can. If Jesus is who he said he is, then he CAN help you live above the struggles.

What do you take away from this chapter?

Is there an area you are in need of addressing?


If so, address it. God is not in the business of speaking to his children for the sake of conversation. He really loves us and desires our trust and closeness.

Lest you think that God is just being mean, listen to the words of the Old Testament prophet, "this I call to mind and therefore I have hope: Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. I say to myself, “The Lord is my portion; therefore I will wait for him.” ~Jeremiah (Lamentations 3:21-23)

If that doesn't help you, try this one, from the lips of the man who came and died for you, "God did not send his Son (me) into the world to condemn its people. He sent him (me) to save them!" ~Jesus (John 3:17). If you're still wondering, slap this one on your mirror, "So now there is no condemnation for those who belong to Christ Jesus. And because you belong to him, the power of the life-giving Spirit has freed you from the power of sin..." ~Paul (converted Christian killer in his letter to his friends in the church at Rome - Romans 8:1-2

My point? You've got more on your side than you realize. With that knowledge, join me in an occasional loosening of the reins and let the peanut butter be a little thicker on one side of the bread. Go ahead, let the jelly lay where it fell and don't work it over for 5 minutes trying to assure your taste buds have the ultimate taste experience.

And remind yourself of this amazing little truth, it's the one I have in multiple places for my reassurance, "So Christ has truly set us free. Now make sure that you stay free, and don’t get tied up again in slavery..." (Galatians 5:1)

Till next week...

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