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Chapter 2 ~ Middle C of Life

Written by: Bill Sparks Posted on: September 29, 2016 Blog: GrowLead

Good Monday Morning!

I hope your week was good and that today is less "Monday" than you may normally face.

I am so thankful for the great weather on tap for this week, me and my golf clubs have not spent enough time together and they are calling my name quite regularly.

Speaking of weeks, how did you reading go this past week?

I have read this book at least once a year for the past 10-15 years. I am amazed how many times it has drawn my heart closer to God and reminded me of the incredible Savior I have.

For the next few moments, join me and let's drink in some grace and instruction to begin our week...

This weeks chapter can be summed up with one phrase, Max uses it and we fully understand it, "Yahweh is our middle C."

piano-keys_(1).jpgTo expand on this thought, I want to draw from one of Max's other books, "In The Grip Of Grace. Max says... "We have attempted to reach the moon but scarcely made it off the ground. We tried to swim the Atlantic, but couldn't get beyond the reef. We have attempted to scale the Everest of salvation, but we have yet to leave the base camp, much less ascend the slope. The quest is simply too great; we don't need more supplies or muscle or technique; we need a helicopter.

Can't you hear it hovering?

"God has a way to make people right with him." (Romans 3:21). How vital that we embrace this truth. God's highest dream is not to make us rich, not to make us successful or popular of famous. God's dream is to make us right with him."

This principle of making Christ the center of all we do is easy to lose.

Don't believe that?

When was the last time someone hurt you and you forgave them? (without them asking)

Have you ever experienced "stale" Christianity?

Screen_Shot_2015-04-22_at_10.26.09_AM.pngHas there been a time when you used your power or position to further a cause at the expense of another person?

What did your last bout with judgmentalism look like? Was that person "not on your level?" Were you justified because of your superior spiritual standing?

All of the attitudes and actions listed above often come from one simple source, we've decided somewhere along the way to take our life away from "Middle C". The result? Our "tune" is sour and off key.

Andy Stanley (I know you were wondering when I would quote him weren't you) says that most of our spiritual disease can be traced back to this thought, "We've forgotten we are sinners." Andy contends when we forget we're sinners and what we've been forgiven of, it's very easy for us to become discouraged, disappointed, disjointed, disgusted, dis.... Well just dis... You decide from there.


When you look at the cross, look at the Christ on the cross, you see the real "Middle C" and if you start there, the rest of the song is beautiful. Grace fully embodied and fully given. Hope instilled by an empty tomb. Strength infused by the reality the death has not won. Courage powered by "greater is he that is in me".

All by starting where all great songs much start, in perfect pitch with the Creator, His Son and the Spirit that lives in those who believe.

If you need to, take a moment and adjust. Spend some time "tuning" up your focus. You won't be sorry you did.


Kyle said:

on October 12, 2016 at 9:48pm

"That's middle c! It was middle c yesterday; it will be middle c tomorrow; it will be middle c a thousand years from now. The piano across the hall is out of tune, but, my friend that is middle c." As some one who is a little bit musically inclined, I feel this is a perfect example of our journey with Christ. If I think of a chord being out of tune it almost makes me want to cringe. But to think that I've stepped off the path of righteousness doesn't give me the same immediate reaction. Too often I think I give myself leeway because I have time or what I did isn't as bad as what they did, etc. I'm only making excuses...day to day doesn't change in gods eyes...he is the same day after day. My actions and integrity should reflect his constant....his convictions...his plan...his mood...his love.

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