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Chapter 2 ~ Chosen By Grace

Written by: Bill Sparks Posted on: March 24, 2018 Blog: GrowLead

If you were Abram...

If I were Abram...

I've often wondered what I would do if I was Abram. I wonder, given my history of believing God for things (or more like my history of not) in my life, what would be my response to the "get up and leave" invitation.

I know how I've responded in some of my toughest moments, with faith occasionally but Genesis_15_6-3840x2160-1-660x371.pngmore often with fear and doubt.

In my younger years I moved to Indiana, with no family here, it was difficult, but not impossible. Plus, as a youngin' I thought I could whip the world. But now, I have a hard time picking something to wear in the morning, it's almost too much pressure...

Add a few years and this wimp may become a super wimp.

If life was challenging during those days, what would it be like to be asked to leave all I have, at the request of my savior?

At nearly twice my current age?

Yet Abram did that. Life got tough for him along the way and he faltered, but God reminded him that HE (God) was able to be trusted and Abram, battered by life, chose to believe.

I also can't imagine having children at 100 yrs old. I can't care for my grandkids for a day 7371746_orig.jpgwithout taking a nap with them. THEN, I need a recuperation time that evening after the parents come to get them. And I'm only 57 years old!

What if grace was dependent upon you or upon your unfaltering faith?

What if salvation was about getting all the rules right?

Where would you be?

I know where Abram (later Abraham) would be.... LOST! (Just ask his wife)
I'd be right there with him!

Take a moment and share any thoughts you have about God initiating a "clean up" plan after all the mess man made of his creation.

Read this paragraph from Chapter 2 and share how your "do something" works in your life.

"Common sense argues that if bad behavior puts us at odds with God, then good behavior should fix things. Our natural inclination is to do something to gain God's acceptance and approval. So throughout the history of civilization, people have devised every imaginable system and scheme to please their god or gods. But when the one true God initiated his relationship with mankind, it didn't begin with a command; it began with an invitation: will you trust me." (pg. 31)

Share any other thoughts you have about what you read in this chapter.


Debra Jones-Price said:

on April 6, 2018 at 1:07pm

I've always been fascinated by the Abraham story, from the first time I sat at my Mother's side when she read it out of the Bible story book I had as a child and saw Isaac being put on the altar. I asked my Mom some pretty tough questions at that age, like "why is he doing that Mommy? Doesn't he love his son? Would you do that with me?" To my 3-4 year old mind, it was pretty unimaginable that a father would do that to a child. Its pretty unimaginable to my 47 year old mind too. From the golden thread I see throughout the scriptures, everything in there is an "invitation to trust." All of it. I sometimes do a pretty good earthly job of trusting, but many times I fail miserably too. God could (and did mind you--looking in Noah's direction) just wipe the slate clean and start over. But he decided not to do that. Its hard for me to wrap my mind around that and will probably never be explained to my inquisitive satisfaction until I'm on the other side of this earthly world.

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