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Chapter 18 ~ Almost Heaven

Written by: Bill Sparks Posted on: January 6, 2017 Blog: GrowLead

Ok, this isn't anything spiritual and may actually be a little off, but think of who is writing this post... When I read, "Almost Heaven", the very next thing that came to my mind was "West Virginia." (If you need clarification, Google the phrase, "Almost Heaven, West Virginia" and click on the John Denver video.)

Ok, now that I have that out of my brain...

They say that confession is good for the soul, but in my business it's not always good for business. Here we go, please put aside your "following Jesus", "Sunday morning fired up sermon" and "REALLY", responses and take a deep breath.


Now, I do feel a little tug on my heart that I am closer to heaven and when I was told that I had a cancerous tumor in my lung. It did come to mind that my troubles here on earth are just that, troubles. They don't define me, they only disturb me. I did think of seeing my dad again and let my mind wander as to how heaven might look. I wasn't planning on dying, I was just jarred into a reality that in the turn of a minute, life can take some amazingly crazy turns.

But, since it's not cancer and I am not at home with an incision in my chest recuperating from surgery, it seems as if it has slowly slipped back into my "theology mind" and it is not invading my "here and now" mind. That alone is a confession some of you are wondering about as well. You may not have a gap between your "theology mind" and your "here and now mind", but I do. There are times when I don't understand God, and heaven is one of those areas where this gap can be the widest. I know the theology. I believe the theology. I embrace eternal life. I still wonder what in the world is going to happen when I take my last breath. I think about it a little more now that I have a few more seasoned years behind me.

I do take heart though. I am thankful that for as many years as I have been attending church, there has been talk of heaven. I have spoke to classes and congregations about it. My heart gets a little lighter and beats with a little more anticipation when I do. Afterall, I am not stupid, I know I will not last forever here. And I am thankful for the promise, the assurance and the security that God has proven himself over and over, so I will take what he says about heaven and trust that too.

The thought of not seeing my family, my wife and kids, grandkids, is one of the distractions (a good one I think) I have about dying and leaving for Heaven. God isn't cruel when he tells me that I am to love him more than these. He knows, we're gonna finish this race here. So... I focus on my "theology mind" a little more, as I have, my "here and now mind" seems to be following. But some days are better than others.

I still remember a line from the movie "Shadowlands", it is the story of C.S. Lewis and his wife Joy. She is dying of cancer, her body grows weaker by the minute. Joy turns to Jack (C.S. Lewis' nickname) and says, "You better be right about this thing (speaking of faith and heaven). I join Joy.... "you better be right about this thing." The scene below is after Joy dies, Jack's brother encourages him to talk to her son, this scene really brings the idea of how hard it is to believe sometimes.....

How about we close this post with some of the thoughts Max shares about this place beyond this place here...

~Homesickness is one of the burdens God doesn't mind if we carry.

~God has "set eternity in the hearts of men" (Eccles. 3:11). Down deep you know you are not home yet.

~The greatest calamityis not to feel far from home when you are, but to feel right at home when you are not. Don't quench, but rather, stir this longing for heaven.

~Aging is God's idea. It's one of the ways he keeps us headed homeward. We can't change the process, but we can change our attitude..

These are just a few of the statements I found to be encouraging, I wonder, what ones did you?


Sheila said:

on January 25, 2017 at 5:10pm

After reading your opening...my next thought was "Blue Ridge Mountains, Shenandoah River"! (We're showing our age) I think most people long for heaven, but our thought is usually "I want to go to heaven...just not today!" The fact of the matter is that we each have our own idea of heaven, but we don't actually know any living person who has been there, seen God and returned to tell about it. But we do know that Jesus lived, died and came back to tell us of the tremendous love God has for us and that we can spend eternity with him in that love. That love can be ours if we confess our sins, repent and accept God's grace. I admit that, even after reading "The Grace of God" twice, I still occasionally wonder if I'll pass God's measurement of "good enough" and knowing that there is no good enough. It's my trust in His grace that will determine my acceptance into heaven, so I continue my soul searching that I hope will lead me to the glory that has been promised in heaven.

Jeffrey Fuller said:

on January 26, 2017 at 7:10pm

I love the thought that being Homesick is pleasing to God. I must admit I feel Homesick at times but I really need to spend more time thinking about HOME then thinking about the here and now of life. We live with such a here and now mind set, I do it way too often! I want stir up the longing for HOME more in the future and really feel more like an alien/stranger then a resident! I can't wait to enter the front door and be greeted with a celebration like I have never experienced before...Thank You Jesus!!!

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