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Chapter 13 ~ Commissioned For Grace

Written by: Bill Sparks Posted on: May 25, 2016 Blog: GrowLead

This is a day late and I have to admit, my last post covering this chapter is so clear that whle I was reading it to make sure I didn't repeat myself, I found myself repeating myself.

So, for this week, here are the words of wisdom from my last blog journey through this book...

"This may not be the best chapter in the world, for two reasons...

First, for the first time in the book Andy says something really negative that is hard to stomach. He points at us as Christians and says, "If people think church is for church people, then we the church people need to reexamine our messaging. When grace is not longer front and center in the messaging and programming of the church, something else is." (Pg 197)

Second, Andy hints at what I call a "God Plus" theology when he states "Peter knew that if you start shaving layers off of grace, it's no longer grace. And if you start adding things to grace, it's not longer grace." (pg 201) What I mean by that statement is that we are tempted, I am tempted, to place qualifications on salvation.

Now, don't jump too soon.

Let me ask you a couple of questions I have wrestled with...

1. What do you currently do, that if you stopped doing it, you would not consider yourself a good Christian?

If your security is wrapped up in a daily devotional life? A set of passages you've memorized? A mission trip regularly that you participate in? How many times you've "witnessed" to others? Those items are all good things, but they are not "the thing" that your security in Christ is based on.

2. How do you answer the question, "are you a Christian"?

Do you say things like "I read my bible everyday" or "I attend XYZ Church every Sunday". Do you talk about things you don't do or things you used to do that you don't do any longer? Again, listen, those are wonderful parts of your walk with Christ, but they are not "the part" of your life that keeps you anchored when all those are not in full practice.

3. If your Bible was taken away as many of the current day Christians seem to feel, would you no longer be a Christian?

Do you realize that there wasn't a printed Bible until the third century A.D.? That means that the church made the most impact BEFORE there was a "daily devotion" or a "morning Bible reading."

Paul knew these arguments, they were at the heart of his letter to the church at Galatia. Here are a few thoughts from the pen of the Apostle to the Gentiles "those without the Law"...

“O foolish Galatians! Who has bewitched you?…Are you so foolish?"...“You were running well. Who hindered you from obeying the truth? This persuasion is not from him who calls you.”..."“…how can you turn back again to the weak and worthless elementary principles of the world.”...Galatians 3:1, 3a, 5:7, 4:9

5c054de948ccfeec7e297ca5ac9ebe50.jpgWhat were the things they were turning to instead of the Gospel? Listen in again...

"You observe days and months and seasons and years!"..."we know that a person is not justified by works of the law but through faith in Jesus Christ, so we also have believed in Christ Jesus, in order to be justified by faith in Christ and not by works of the law, because by works of the law no one will be justified."..."For freedom Christ has set us free; stand firm therefore, and do not submit again to a yoke of slavery. 2 Look: I, Paul, say to you that if you accept circumcision, Christ will be of no advantage to you." ~Galatians 4:10, 2:16, 5:1-2

God plus theology is an empty walk with only your own efforts (circumcision was a "law keeping" item added to grace) (even demanding people to recognize your "day of the Lord" can be a God plus thought, reread the passages above) to rely on. Christ set us free, let's learn that freedom and let his spirit guide us so that we live in a way that makes that freedom evident.

So, if we are free, what does that freedom look like? I defer to Paul one more time...

For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision nor uncircumcision counts for anything, but only faith working through love...For the whole law is fulfilled in one word: “You shall love your neighbor as yourself." ~Galatians 5:6, 14

And just so we're clear, grace is not a chance to live any way you want... Paul clearly states...

"For you were called to freedom, brothers. Only do not use your freedom as an opportunity for the flesh, but through love serve one another." ~Galatians 5:13

Love, Unity, Serving Each Other.... Do these themes sound familiar? They should, they were taught to his followers by Jesus

I hope this last chapter hasn't been too much or too little. I pray that like Goldie Locks, you found the "just right" in this chapter instead of the "too hard" or "too soft."

Thanks so much for your time reading, I pray that you have been gracefully challenged to live like Christ through this adventure.

If you haven't, please accept my humble apology, I truly wanted you to connect with some thoughts that have challenged me.

If you have, thank God, he's the one who gave Andy the talent and I believe put this book in my hand.

Till our next adventure..."


Jeffrey Fuller said:

on May 25, 2016 at 6:12pm

Recently read John 5 : 24 summing it up says belief/trust = no judgement/eternal life now! It struck me different than in times past. I am looking at scripture a little differently since the I have a better grasp on Grace. This passage does not say if you... read your bible daily, attend XYZ church, or any other legalistic practice you then will have eternal life (I believe we need these prayer/scripture/church to grow and understand what God has for us) but simply believe and receive. Why is that concept so hard to understand and accept... maybe it's our conditioning by the church, our upbringing at home, or the tragic events that happened in our lives? I know for myself it's a combination of these. I am still developing my walk with the Lord and have come to relax/accept His Grace more but I still find myself at time thinking that can't be! One thing I do know and it saddens me to the core is that in the body of Christ we lack the compassion and willingness (should state not everyone but a large majority) to restore fallen leaders. I have seen this across denominations and the fallout has ruined lives. Leaders are people who need just as much understanding and Grace as any of us do. It is actually unfair to place men and women of God in such high esteem and then absolutely pummel them when they show even the slightest possibility of being human and make a wrong decision (not even a sinful one)... everyone is equal at the foot of the cross and we all need Grace form the good Lord and each other!

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