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Chapter 12 ~ From Panic to Peace

Written by: Bill Sparks Posted on: December 12, 2016 Blog: GrowLead

Have you ever felt like God is doing something in your life? Is there a time when it dawned on you, God is keeping step with the circumstances of your life? Or, maybe you'd like to turn that thought around, the you feel like, for this particular time in your life, that you are step in step with God.

All of the above seems to happening this day.

As you all know, this week I will have a biopsy. That same day I will undergo a lung function test. I expect these two procedures to tell me what the days ahead will look like. Unless there is something unforeseen, I most likely will be facing surgery.

And, as most of us would expect, there is a level of fear that I am feeling. It comes and goes, oscillating with my feelings of thankfulness for an early diagnosis. Along the way is the really amazing news, that should this play out as it seems, my downtime will be manageable and 6 months from now, I should be back to full steam. And then, fear says no way.

I am doing very well at this point in the journey and I am thankful that the moments of peace far outweigh the attacks of fear. But when they come, they are dark and tough.

At this point, unknown to me, I set up a reading schedule for us to work through the book "Traveling Light", and lo and behold, what chapter would we be reading through this week? You got it, "From Panic to Peace: The Burden of Fear."

Here are thoughts I found challenging, encouraging and helpful...

  • How remarkable that Jesus felt such fear: But how kind that he told us about it. (pg 98)
  • The first one to hear his fear is his Father. He could have gone to his mother. He could have confided in his disciples. He could have assembled a prayer meeting. All would have been appropriate, but none were his priority. He went first to his father. (pg 99)
  • Good counsel in golf. Good counsel in life. Rather than focus on the fear; focus on the solution. (pg 100)
  • How did Jesus endure the terror of the crucifixion? He went first to the Father with his fears...Do the same with yours. Don't avoid life's Gardens of Gethsemane. Enter them. Just don't enter them alone. And while you are there, be honest. Pounding on the ground is permitted. Tears are allowed. And if you sweat blood, you won't be the first.. Do what Jesus did; open your heart. (pg 101)
  • He doesn't think your fears are foolish or silly. He won't tell you to "buck up" or "get tough." He's been where you are. He knows how you feel...He knows what you need. (this one is my favorite). (pg 101)

I would like to hear your thoughts, your favorites...


Jeffrey Fuller said:

on December 17, 2016 at 10:15am

I am so appreciative of a Savior who has gone through all and conquered it all to pave the way for me as I go through lifes ups and downs. He truly is a Savior who can sympathize and empathize. My mind wonders why He would come to the physical manifestations of sweating great drops of blood... It is my thought that Jesus was praying in the garden as He always did and the Father showed Him the fullness of what was going to take place. Jesus would pray often and said "I can only do what my Father shows me to do". I don't know if this is theologically sound but my thoughts are if He only did what His Father showed Him to do in His prayer time... then when He meet those who needed healed/saved, He knew who they were and what they needed as the Father had shown Him in His time alone with His Father. So as He prayed "let this cup pass" could it be He saw the fullness of what He was going to endure and for a moment His flesh rose up... but then the Father showed the "glory set before Him" and He submitted to the process and said "your will not mine" as He saw the fullness of God's redemptive plan for us. I thankful for a Savior that endured fear, pain, and humiliation to save me.

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