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Chapter 11 ~ Filled By Grace

Written by: Bill Sparks Posted on: May 10, 2016 Blog: GrowLead

This is not a challenge to run and tell all your failed behavioral choices to someone.


I wonder when you hear the words "shame" or "guilt" what comes to your mind.


Again, I am not trying to dredge up a confession. I am wanting you to visit a part of your life that you've always hoped no one would find out about. It may be simple or complex, but that doesn't make you feel any better.

Now, imagine that item brings consistent social disapproval and rejection.

"There goes __________. Did you hear about ________?"

We all handle shame and struggle differently. But because of my personality style, I feel like I can vicariously feel the pain this woman at the well felt, the constant feeling of having eyes cast your way in a disapproving and judgmental way.

The hardest part of this woman's story is that nothing, and I mean nothing, she could do


would remove the stigma of her life and life choices.

When you realize that her nationality AND her behavior played a part in the harsh treatment she faced, then you can begin to get a handle on why she chose a specific time of day to go the well. A time when the piercing eyes of her detractors could be minimized if not avoided all together.

In addition, she could do nothing about being part of a group of "half-breeds" despised by the two people groups that made up her DNA. There was no fix. She was a Samaritan AND she could not seem to find a man that would stay with her. Rejection on all sides.

But, Jesus knew better. He knew the worth of the creation of his hands. He knew that there was a way to help this dejected heart find something her soul desired: Love, acceptance and a way to face all the failure others would not forget.

It is why Jesus "... must needs go through Samaria" (Old King James phrase, see John 4:4)

He was not content to let this bruised and crushed member of his creation face the last days of her existence without satisfying the thirst of her being. The thirst to know that you are loved and your past is not an indication of your future, that she was not as alone as she felt. The Savior not only knew WHERE she was, but he knew how to take her to where SHE NEEDED TO GO.

Her conversation exposed her heart. And ours. Sometimes we cling to verses (which can be helpful) but refuse to address the true pain that keeps us from enjoying the freedom we believe those verses promise us.


Andy says it well, "It's always easier to talk about theology than our pain." (Pg 172).

All of the chapters in this book have spoken to my heart about my need for grace, but this chapter does something for me that the others were only primers for...

It tells me I am not going it alone!

What a wonderful picture Andy paints, that our past is past, but its only that way when we allow grace to cleanse it's hurts and heal its wounds. Our pain doesn't need to rule our life. We will hurt. We will make bad choices. But when we turn to Christ and face our pain, he brings freedom.

Andy aptly observes, "Jesus knew that for the exchange to be complete, he had to dredge up all the old so that it could be replaced once and for all." (Pg 171)

The great thing about God is that he isn't satisfied with seeing me, you, or anyone purchased by the the blood of his Son, live stuck with the baggage of our past.

That is so encouraging...

So, today, let's agree together to share the encouragement Andy gave us at the end of the chapter, "Heavenly Father, I cannot, but you can."

Say it with me... Heavenly Father, I cannot ____________, but you can."


It's hard to believe it, but for some reason we all know it's true, when we are weak, he makes us HIS strongest...

Till next week, let the Savior bring his "water" and help us admit...

Heavenly Father, I cannot...

But You Can!


Jeffrey Fuller said:

on May 10, 2016 at 7:58pm

The interaction between the savior and samaritan woman was so much more than a moment for her to realize she needed spiritual water to quench her "thirst"... Andy's break down of this conversation shows multiple issues that needed to be addressed then and today! Issues like... Jesus is the only answer to your thirst, you are loved by the one who made you, your hidden and open issues are known by God/Jesus... yet they/He still desires a relationship with you, you are valuable no matter what you or others think, you have to allow exposure of a sin to start the healing process, a life changed by Jesus will draw others into a relationship with Him. Wow and I am sure there is more that could be drawn out of these scriptures. I also think about how we all have tried to recoil our ropes as she might have in hopes the truth would not continue to expose her/us... we quickly retract thinking that these issues will cause more pain and damn us when in reality the Savior offers us Grace and forgiveness that frees us. I really am encouraged by this event and continue to be in awe of the matchless love and grace extended to us every day!

Curtis Matteson said:

on May 10, 2016 at 11:49pm

"As the woman from Sychar discovered, God's response to the thirsty soul is grace. We would prefer time travel. Second chances. Do overs. But God opts for sustaining grace. Grace that leverages the past for a better future. Grace that fills the gaps created by our sin or the sin of others. Grace that allows us to honestly face and carry our pasts but without being controlled by them. Grace that makes denial unnecessary." (p. 175 par. 2) "Perhaps you've watched in amazement as a Christian friend walked through a dark valley relationally, physically, or financially and yet maintained his or her peace. That's God's "in-spite-of" grace." (p. 176 par. 2) There were so many things in this chapter that blessed and encouraged me. Andy also raised an excellent point when he mentioned that Jesus knows he needs to dredge up all the old so that it could be replaced once and for all. This chapter helped me seek God's sustaining grace in my life. There have been times I've reflected upon the old and sinful events in my life and have wondered if there was any way I could make it over those foolish mistakes. Let alone the loved ones in my life that still bring it up, hold against me, or still impacts them personally. I have truly felt like the Samaritan woman at times in my life, marked by my foolish decisions. In spite of the sin in my past, God can offer me grace to make it over what may try to pull me down and feel worthless. He is willing to leverage the past for a better future. Now I can handle my past without letting it control me. These words have helped me tremendously. Also, there have been times I wanted to be a time traveler or have asked God for a do over in ministry so I could better handled a situation. But despite of our failure or unfavorable circumstance, God wants to give us His grace to endure. Despite what my wife and I may face in life and in ministry, we can rest in God's grace and strength to get us through. What an amazing chapter!

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