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Chapter 10 ~ Reborn By Grace

Written by: Bill Sparks Posted on: May 21, 2018 Blog: GrowLead

I've always wanted to meet Bible characters, Nicodemus is actually pretty high on my list. He may not be the average person's choice but as a person with a lot of questions, I have a number of them for him.

Maybe you have these question too...

  • Nicodemus, what were you really trying to accomplish that night when you visited Jesus?
  • Nicodemus, when you left his presence, did it do "enough" for you or did it take you more time to come to a faith in Jesus?
  • What about your friends at the office, they had all kinds of things to say about Jesus, but what was your thoughts when they said he was a problem?
  • Being a person who is insecure, I want to know, Nicodemus, did you feel really little when he questioned you back or did you get angry inside?
  • When you and Joseph went for the body of Jesus, what made you bold enough to "come out of the closet" with him?
  • Please Nicodemus, tell me, what was it like to look into his eyes? Did he seem like he was fearful? Was there a moment you knew by the look on his face you could trust him?
  • Nicodemus, most of all, what were your thoughts when you heard Jesus had risen from the dead?

What an amazing thing for Nicodemus to experience. A man's man in the religious world and within a few moments Jesus had him second guessing and re-examining his theology.

I would like to have that, wouldn't you? A moment to ask the questions of our heart only to find Jesus asking us the real questions that point to answers we didn't know we needed.

To have our world reshaped, not by the preaching of some passionate preacher who moved our emotions but to find a man who could open the door to a room full of answers we can't handle in one easy swoop.

I like my religion the way Nicodemus did, clean cut and full of boundaries. Jesus liked his followers to look beyond boundaries that created a life that needed very little rule.

If the truth be told, I don't want to have to look in the mirror and ask hard questions. I want to butter Jesus up, “Rabbi, we know that you are a teacher who has come from God. For no one could perform the signs you are doing if God were not with him.” Jesus wouldn't let Nicodemus get away with it. If we encounter Jesus, he won't let us either.

Sometimes I don't want freedom, I want clearly defined list. Then, like many a pharisee, once I have "done", I want to have someone give me the "power" that comes with "doing". Then I can "see others clearly"... "God, I thank you that I am not like other people—robbers, evildoers, adulterers—or even like this tax collector. I fast twice a week and give a tenth of all I get."(Luke 18) Who are you "not like?"

He would later risk his life to bury Jesus because of the taste of grace. A taste that would flavor his life and bring him to a place that his heart could find peace. A place where his rules could find meaning not monotony.

Nicodemus tasted of freedom... and he liked it.

I kinda like that freedom as well...

Some days I see that place, I feel the gentle breeze blowing from there.

Occasionally the wind changes and with it come the howlings of my hollow religion full of rule keeping, then.... as if to quietly whisper... I hear him say... Bill, I paid the price, now enjoy the ride...

My soul soars during those times, I think Nicodemus' did too!

Till Next Time...


Debra Price said:

on May 23, 2018 at 1:00pm

I like lists. I like planners, calendars, books and programs that plan for me. I've been rewarded my whole life by being a planner. It makes me a good employee, administrator, supervisor, manager and board member. Its hard to shut that off isn't it? Our society likes planner and we like lists. So the taste of freedom was an interesting take on this.

Jeffrey Fuller said:

on May 28, 2018 at 9:50am

An true encounter with Jesus/God will never leave you the same, it can't. A real encounter with Jesus/God always calls for action/change because the light of His holiness always shows us the contrast between who we are and who we should be. The encounter with the Love and Grace of God through his meeting with Jesus must have been a true encounter, life changing, as we see Him risk all to bury Jesus. I pray that we all seek a true encounter with the Holy One. I pray that it will awaken us to the call on our lives, helping others encounter Jesus in new and fulfilling ways through demonstrating His Love and Grace just like we have received!

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