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Celebrate the Vision Systematically

Written by: Bill Sparks Posted on: January 6, 2016 Blog: GrowLead

This week I realized something that has become clear to me as I have read through "Making Vision Stick" this time.

Our ministry highlights are supposed to accomplish this "Celebration the Vision Systematically", and I wonder if it is working?

Let me ask you a few questions and see...

~Can you name one family that has been ministered to and has thanked Gilead this past year?

~Are there "highlights" that have "stuck with you" from this year of ministry?

~Have you had someone tell you a story about how Gilead has touched their life and you've shared it with the staff and other board members?

~Do you have any idea what has happened, that would make a great "spotlight" for our ministry in 2015?

I have to say that I was a little disappointed with my own answers. I can probably answer positively to the questions, but I wonder if I have shared that with YOU.

Eye-Care_(1).jpgNow before we get out the beating sticks and make this a bludgeoning, I want to share a phrase that has helped my have less regrets and more energy to move forward. It is actually a "grace" statement to me, maybe to you as well. "Though you can't go back and make a brand new start my friend, you can start from now and make a brand new end."

So, let's prepare to make a "new ending" as we approach our retreat in, which is 20 days away.

Mull over these thoughts from Andy that were in this portion of our reading (emphasis mine)...

~ "One way is to celebrate real-world events that illustrate what you envision. Build these events into the rhythm of your organization" (as stated earlier, this is what our ministry highlights are to accomplish.)

~ "Celebrating a win (Like our scramble, banquet and the church check this year) incarnates the vision, bringing clarity in a way that words alone cannot."

~ "The values that are celebrated are repeated. If you intentionally or unintentionally celebrate something that is in conflict with your vision, the vision won't stick."

~ "But for vision to stick, you need to develop systematic ways to celebrate your wins."

~ "Figure out how to build celebration into the rhythm of your organization. For your vision to stick, it must be celebrated. The people in your organization are going to celebrate something. But if there is a disconnect between your vision and what's being celebrated, that's a dynamic that needs immediate attention."

Ok, there you have it...

My thoughts...

Andy's thoughts...


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