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Behold His Mercy....

Written by: Bill Sparks Posted on: March 13, 2017 Blog: GrowLead

These words from Max Lucado have been an encouragement to me...

Jesus wraps a servant's girdle around his waist, takes up the basin, and kneels before one of the disciples. He unlaces a sandal and gently lifts the foot and places it in the basin, covers it with water, and begins to bathe it. One by one, one grimy foot after another, Jesus works his way down the row...

You can be sure Jesus knows the future of these feet he is washing. These twenty-four feet will not spend the next day following their master, defending his cause. These feet will dash for cover at the flash of a Roman sword. Only one pair of feet won't abandon him in the garden. One disciple won't desert him at Gethsemane - Judas won't even make it that far! . . . .

Behold the gift Jesus gives his followers! He knows what these men are about to do . . . And when they do, he wants them to remember how his knees knelt before them and he washed their feet. He wants them to realize those feet are still clean . . . He forgave their sin before they even committed it. He offered mercy before they even sought it.

What an amazing gift of grace. The King bowing and kneeling, not only to wash dirty flesh, but to show how this King would become a Savior. That his blood would replace the water and the dirty feet would be a picture of the heart of sin. Jesus did what he did for one reason, because his Father had sent him to be the cleanser of mankind's filthy soul.

As the song says... "Oh What A Savior". I hope you enjoy this message and the song...

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