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Before Amen ~ Chapter 1

Written by: Bill Sparks Posted on: August 24, 2020 Blog: GrowLead

Ok, maybe you don't...

But I do!

What you are about to read is pure suspicion and may not be worthy of your time, but it is real...

I don't believe Max Lucado is a prayer wimp!

There, I've said it.

In the back of my mind I wonder about what you think as well.

A man who has written literally hundreds of chapters about faith, following Christ and grace giving words that soothe the soul like cool water on a parched lawn.

Why would he say something like this?

Maybe because it's true?

Well, that would be a different story then...

And, it would be a reason to take heart in an often heartless world.

People who pray regularly, not only regularly but powerfully and prayers filled with faith, are less than grace giving. They would say things like... "if you're not praying about it, you're doing it on your own."

Is that true? Do you need to "pray" about it to be doing something in faith? I don't know.

Or, as I experienced yesterday, a young man who has multiple health issues was pretty forceful about his "rub the bottle and get the genie" approach to prayer. He kept saying, "but I have the Great Physician on my side, he's gonna heal me of my health issues." Is that true? I don't know. But I do struggle with people who "have it all together". A weakness of mine.

A struggle I don't have? The belief that prayer, no matter how mysterious and mystical as it can be at times, is the only true avenue I have to connect with my Savior.

I love this book, not because I agree with all of Max's thoughts on prayer like I buy into Andy's teaching on grace, but for the way in which Max distills prayer down to an easy to adopt approach that is not a dead end.

So, at the risk of repeating the prayer you'll be reviewing each week, here is that simple petition...


.....You are good.

..........I need help.

...............Heal me and forgive me.

....................They need help.

..........................Thank you.

.................................In Jesus name, amen.

I hope you enjoyed this first chapter, feel free to comment either way.


Jennifer said:

on August 24, 2020 at 7:29pm

To think that such a simple prayer can be so powerful. In the sermon yesterday our pastor spoke about our prayer lives. In doing so he said the power is not in the words and fancy adjectives, its in the one we pray to thats powerful.

Ron Smelser said:

on August 25, 2020 at 7:58pm

The simplicity of prayer never ceases to amaze me. I am awed by how an omnipotent and omniscient God can make prayer so easy. God, in all His wisdom and power, has opened a means of communication that I can use anywhere and anytime. The short prayer given in this chapter displays the simplicity of prayer. Prayer is a powerful tool that I can use in my weakest moments. Yet, I am embarrassed by my failure to pray and converse with my Heavenly Father as often as I should. Too often, prayer is my last option. God is knocking at the door of my heart. He is waiting for me to open the door. And when I open the door, I am astonished at how God draws me closer to Him.

Curtis Matteson said:

on August 25, 2020 at 10:34pm

"Prayer, for most of us, is not a matter of a month-long retreat or even an hour of meditation. Prayer is conversation with God while driving to work or awaiting an appointment or before interacting with a client. Prayer can be the internal voice that directs the external action." ~ Page 7 I am always focused on accomplishing the next task, replying to that email, following up on the phone call, and double checking my calendar to be sure I don't miss anything that I tend to throw prayer aside in my day-to-day objectives. I may throw up a "popcorn" prayer before I begin all that I need to do and I may tuck my kids in bed with a prayer to clear my conscience as a Christian. But is it just another thing to get done? Is there so much more than just saying what's on my mind to God and moving on? Prayer is a powerful, intimate part of our faith and relationship with God. I tend to not realize its importance and potential in my life. I'm glad that it is not up to the words I say or how I say the words. As I strive to improve on my prayer life, I'm so glad that God will teach me how to pray. I'm thankful that as I communicate to God, He listens. As He speaks, I want to listen and not miss it. Let's grow together from Prayer Wimps to Prayer Giants!

Sheila Stewart said:

on August 26, 2020 at 4:59pm

"Prayer is simply a heartfelt conversation between God and his child. We speak. He listens. He speaks. We listen." It's nice to be reminded that prayer IS just that simple. During the past two months I have dealt with the death of my dad and the sudden life threatening illness of my husband, with serious ongoing health issues for him. There have been no eloquent prayers from me during all of this, but there have been plenty of "I need help...They need help...Thank you" moments when God heard me and comforted them and me.

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