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A little extra help...

Written by: Bill Sparks Posted on: July 24, 2015 Blog: GrowLead

This post is from my morning reading, Max Lucado's writings are always a part of my morning routine when I sit and read (it's not everyday, but regularly). Listen to Max...

"Unity doesn't begin in examining others but in examining self. Unity begins not in demanding others change, but in admitting that we aren't so perfect ourselves...

The answer to arguments? Acceptance. The first step to unity? Acceptance. Not unanimity, acceptance. Not negotiation, arbitration. or elaboration. Those might come later but only after the first step, acceptance."

Max didn't come up with that idea... "Get along with each other, and forgive each other. If someone does wrong to you, forgive that person because the Lord forgave you." Colossians 3:13

I pray you find yourself in a place of acceptance from others and if so, even if not so, please think about being more accepting, not approving, but accepting of others. After all, since they are human Christ died for them too!

God bless, have a great day!


Jason Stepp said:

on July 27, 2015 at 10:54am

Always good to be reminded! I sometimes accept that he or she is just going to be a thorn in my side and move on... but that only embitters me. Not exactly the snapshot of forgiveness talked about here. "I'm still working on it, God."

Sheila Stewart said:

on July 27, 2015 at 11:42am

In the past few years I have noticed that some people encourage us to use the Golden Rule to do unto others as THEY would have us do, not as we would want to be treated since we may not have the same beliefs. I believe that the Golden Rule is about acceptance and, as Max Lucado says, "in not demanding others change" but in accepting each other just as we are and agreeing to disagree on some matters. I'm positive Jesus doesn't agree with everything I do, but He accepts and loves me just as I am and forgives me again and again. I appreciate this reminder that I need to be open and accepting of others.

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